If you have questions about your medical records or billing information, please check out the Frequently Asked Questions below:
Global Medical Response maintains medical patient data in a secure manner, allowing release only to recognized entities with legal right to view the contents.
To request a copy of a medical record, complete the Medical Record Request form via medicopy.net/AMR. We have partnered with MediCopy, a health information management company, to provide accurate and timely delivery of medical records.
To comply with applicable laws, requests for medical records are unable to be processed over the phone. Patients may receive one copy of their medical records at no cost.
Completed requests for medical records will be mailed to the requesting party. Medical records are retained for a minimum of seven years.
If you are seeking records on behalf of a patient, please know that our staff is only allowed to discuss patient information with you upon receipt of any authorization from the patient. If you have a Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions or alternate legal document, please send a copy of your document to medicopy.net/AMR
If you are a parent of a child less than 18 years old, the parent must complete the authorization form. If the son or daughter is 18 years or older, they must complete the authorization form.
We understand in some cases original copies of an affidavit or deposition are required. For any document that requires a notarial citation, you may choose delivery by mail.
We are required by state law to respond to your request in an appropriate amount of time (e.g. 15 days for Texas). You will receive an expected completion date upon the submission of your request; however, we strive to complete all requests within 7 business days of receipt. Considering the type of sensitive data we are providing, each request requires careful processing. For that reason, we ask you please refrain from inquiring for a status prior to the due date of the request.
For additional information or if you need to follow up on a previously submitted request, please contact MediCopy at 866.587.6274, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday, Central Standard Time.
AMR accepts personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Patients can make payment by mail to the remit payment address located on their invoice, by phone by contacting AMR's National Customer Service Department at 800.913.9106, or online at our secure payment portal: https://pay.amr.net/
If you wish to call Customer Service and your ambulance services were provided in the following locations, please call the applicable phone number to reach a Customer Service Representative:
Hawaii, Montana, Washington, Oregon or South Dakota:800.228.7601
AMR offers payment plans and a Compassionate Care Program to assist patients who are experiencing financial hardship with out-of-pocket ambulance transportation expenses. Please contact our Customer Service Department if you would like to set up payment arrangements, or inquiry about inclusion into the Compassionate Care Program.
All patients are required to provide their signatures to acknowledge consent for treatment and transportation. A signature on file provides AMR with authorization to submit a bill on your behalf, assign benefits to AMR allowing medical insurance carriers to pay AMR directly, and is used as an acknowledgment showing you did receive a copy of AMR’s Privacy Policy. AMR cannot submit a claim to a medical insurance carrier without a signed authorization from the patient or guardian. Failure to provide a signed authorization may require AMR to seek payment directly from the patient or guarantor.
Unlike some other public services that are supported by tax revenue, private ambulance services are funded by user fees. Taxpayers fund public services such as fire and police protection whether they use those services or not. Private ambulance services are typically not subsidized by tax revenue and rely solely on user fees. Under a private ambulance service system, you only pay for those services when you use them. In many jurisdictions across the country, local emergency medical services agencies have contracted AMR to provide emergency paramedic and ambulance transportation service.
AMR provides comprehensive non-emergency transportation services to patients who need to be safely transported from one location to another. Insurance plans may consider coverage of medically necessary non-emergency transports. Your insurance carrier will determine whether or not ambulance transportation meets their coverage criteria. It is important to check with your insurance provider to determine the specific requirements for payment related to non-emergency transportation.
In general, Medicare will cover medically necessary ambulance transportation to the nearest appropriate medical facility. Emergency ambulance transportation may qualify for Medicare coverage if the transport is a result of a sudden onset of a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in placing the patient's health in serious jeopardy, impairment to bodily function or serious dysfunction to any bodily organ or part. Medicare requires that ambulance transportation be medically necessary and reasonable. To be medically necessary, Medicare requires that the use of any other method of transportation would be hazardous to the patient's health.
In general, Medicare will not pay for non-emergency ambulance service unless the patient is unable to get out of bed without assistance and unable to walk, unable to sit in a chair or wheelchair, and/or that transportation by any other means would pose a hazard to the patient's health. Medicare will not pay for ambulance transportation to a preferred hospital or facility that is not the nearest appropriate facility or for the convenience of the patient, the family or physician. Medicare does not pay for wheelchair, stretcher or gurney transportation.
Medicare will pay 80 percent of their allowable rate for both emergency and non-emergency transportation service that meets medical necessity guidelines. The remaining 20 percent will be due from the patient or the patient's secondary insurance carrier. As a courtesy, AMR will submit a claim to the secondary insurance carrier on the patient's behalf but the patient is responsible for assuring timely payment by their secondary insurance carrier.
Medicaid is a program funded by the state that provides medical insurance to assist patients who qualify under the program. The coverage of medical services varies from state to state and patients should check with their Medicaid program to understand coverage criteria for ambulance transportation. In general, Medicaid programs require that all ambulance transportation meet the specific medical necessity criteria established for their state.
Ambulance and other medical transportation coverage varies from one insurance policy to the next. It is important to review your insurance policy to understand the limitations and requirements of your coverage. It may be necessary to obtain a prior authorization from your insurance carrier when scheduling some non-emergency transportation services. If your policy does not provide 100 percent coverage for transportation, you may be required to pay a deductible or co-payment as outlined in your insurance policy. Payment of all deductibles and co-payments are due immediately upon receipt of the bill.
If a patient does not have insurance coverage, the bill for AMR services will be due directly from the patient. Payment is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice. AMR accepts personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Patients can make payment by mail to the address located on their invoice, by phone by contacting AMR's National Customer Service Department at 1.800.913.9106, or online at our secure payment portal:
AMR offers payment plans and a Compassionate Care Program to assist patients who are experiencing financial hardship with out-of-pocket ambulance transportation expenses. Please contact our Customer Service Department if you would like to set up payment arrangements, or inquiry about inclusion into the Compassionate Care Program.
AMR's rates are competitive for your community and meet all applicable local, state and federal limitations. Ambulance provider fees typically include a base charge for the transport, a mileage fee and charges for other procedures, supplies or medications administered.